Our movement is based on the united voice of advocates, tribes, and experts who all agree that senseless wolf slaughter needs to end. Below is a small sample of recent articles from voices across the country highlighting the danger wolves face, correcting false myths, and advocating for their protection.
Since the species was delisted in 2021, over 2,400 gray wolves have been killed. In 2022, over 25% of Yellowstone National Park's protected wolf population was killed.
Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming have passed laws allowing hunters to kill up to 90% of their state’s wolves, falsely blaming wolves for killing livestock, even though wolves are responsible for less than 1% of unwanted livestock deaths.
New Peer-Reviewed Paper
A new (open-access) peer-reviewed paper went live in Conservation Science and Practice. Authored and reviewed by several of the nation’s leading biologists and wildlife advocates, the analysis found that data surrounding the benefits of wolves and the negative environmental impacts of hunting has not been incorporated into state-level wolf management policies in the Northern Rockies where gray wolves were removed from the endangered species list in 2020. This is the first peer-reviewed research of its kind since wolves were removed.
Most notably, the paper found that the current justification of wolf hunts misrepresents currently available data and causes confusion in the public perception towards wolves.
Some key findings from the paper:
Although livestock deaths are used as a major factor in the justification of wolf hunts, the number of sheep and cattle killed by wolves never exceeded 0.21% and 0.05%, far less than 1%, of unwanted deaths in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Wisconsin, according to the 2020 USDA report on sheep and 2015 report on cattle.
In only six months of the 2021-2022 hunting season in Montana, at least 25 wolves from Yellowstone were killed when they wandered outside the park boundary–a number that represents one fifth of the federally protected Yellowstone wolf population.
Wolves enhance the health of their prey populations by targeting sick and weak individuals and help increase flora around rivers by decreasing overgrazing.
For every trapped wolf in Idaho from 2012-2019 roughly one non-target animal was accidentally trapped, including several rare species. In Montana during the hunting seasons of 2018-2020, half of all non-target species accidentally caught in traps were domestic dogs.
This data is surfacing just as the decision to relist wolves as an endangered species is being determined, NOW is the time for President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland to take action and restore federal protection to the Gray Wolf in the Rocky Mountains.
Filmmaker Rain (Say Her Name/Somebody's Daughter), released "FAMILY", a direct appeal to Secretary Deb Haaland to relist all wolves under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Watch the short film below.